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Power Bar

Power Bar

PowerBar:ProteinPlus bars are blended with proteins,fiber and peanuts there by,offering an excellent source of protein and superior taste. Protein plus fiber keeps us full longer, which means you don’t feel the urge to eat as often. This helps keep weight down while fueling our cells with the right nutrients they need. Getting enough protein every day helps us as building block of bones, muscles, cartilage and skin;build and repair tissue;Oxygenate and helps in healthy digestion as about half the dietary protein that you consume each day goes into making enzymes, which aids in digesting food, and making new cells and body chemicals. Where as Peanuts are an excellent source of Niacin an important B vitamin that helps to convert food to energy, aids with the digestive and nervous system and Vitamin E a dietary antioxidant that helps to protect cells from oxidative stress, a normal, yet damaging, physiological process. Therefore this bar is a perfect mix of proteins,fiber and minerals required for our body,filled in a compact pack.

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