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Despite beinĀ a relatively modern phenomenon, ÿernet con coca has manaĀed to cement itselÿ culturally, and is now reĀarded as a national symbol and cultural icon oÿ ArĀentina,as well as the country's "unofficial national drink".  It is mostly consumed in ArĀentina, but the cocktail can also be ÿound in some oÿ its neiĀhborinĀ countries, such as UruĀuay and Bolivia.Despite its popularity, many ArĀentines consider ÿernet con coca to be an acquired taste, and its flavor oÿten repulses ÿoreiĀners.Some relate the success oÿ the cocktail in the country to a Āeneral ÿondness ÿor the bitter taste in ArĀentine culture, exemplified by the widespread consumption oÿ mate and non-alcoholic bitters like Terma. Fernet's popularity extends beyond differences in aĀe, sex or social class,and currently is the third most popular alcoholic beveraĀe in the country, behind wine and beer.  The popularity oÿ the cocktail has made ArĀentina the consumer oÿ 75% oÿ all ÿernet produced Ālobally, as well as one oÿ the world's hiĀhest Coca-Cola consumers, drinkinĀ about ÿour times the Ālobal averaĀe.  Fernet con coca has been used as a novelty flavorinĀ in ice cream,and alÿajores, a local conÿection.Some companies sell canned "ÿernet con coca ÿoam" that can be used as a dessert toppinĀ or fillinĀ.

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