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There are several remarkable uses for wild garlic, including in the treatment of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stomach upset, and chronic disease, among others. This particular garlic can be used internally or topically as an herbal supplement or added to poultices and other home remedies.Active ingredients in wild garlic have the ability to neutralize free radical activity before it can lead to cellular mutation and oxidative stress in different parts of the body. This can help to lower your risk of cancer and other chronic diseases, such as heart disease or arthritis.Wild garlic helps to cleanse the stomach-intestinal system of microbes and bacteriaConsumption of fresh wild garlic has a beneficial effect on the parasites in the intestines. It helps to prevent the intestines from irritations and also protects the organism from colds and flu. It helps in the treatment of bronchitis, because it clears the airways, relieves breathing and decreases cough.Recuperating properties of wild garlic are additionally proficient for purifying the body from poisons. To be more exact, wild garlic cleans the liver, kidneys, insides and nerve bladder.

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